It’s taken me less than a week to completely disrupt my sleep schedule. Oops! Trying not to stress about it. I’ll try to get back on track next week when I start job hunting.
I’ve just been staying up late, #editing #photos the last two nights, and I’ve found myself enjoying the process to much to want to go to bed! I haven’t felt this #creative in so long and it’s #wonderful and #liberating.
Next week one day, I may take myself on another wee field trip, to The Cloisters in Washington Heights. A breathtaking collection of medieval art and architecture. One of the galleries is the 12th century Spanish chapel, Fuentidueña. It had fallen into disrepair in Spain, so John D. Rockefeller spent 30 years negotiating to acquire it for the museum. He was finally successful, and had it dismantled, catalogued, and shipped it, piece by piece to NYC so it could be faithfully reconstructed in Washington Heights. It’s magnificent. The #Cloisters is another one of my favorite places to #photograph and it’s been ages since I’ve been there. That would be great!