#EthicalNonMonogamy (#ENM): #Cheating, but with better branding (i.e., what #JadaSmith and her equally crazy "intimacy coach" Michaela Boehm advocate).
Being open to ethical non-monogamy (cheating with permission) doesn't make you more enlightened, liberated or any other of the #shaming words its fans claim. Shaming a partner into agreeing to an open relationship, ENM -- or whatever you want to call it -- is wrong. And, in some cases, downright abusive.
In my experience with clients who've had this pushed on them by a #narcissist, #borderline, #histrionic or #ClusterB variety pack partner/ex:
1) Were told there was something wrong with them if they didn’t agree to it.
2) Had to follow a completely different set of rules regarding third parties, because “it’s different for women.”
3) Were accused of being abusive and controlling if they didn’t want to agree to it.
4) After agreeing to it and then it (predictably) blew up, were #gaslighted and #FalselyAccused in family court of forcing the #BPD, #NPD, #HPD ex to have multiple sex partners.
In other words, if ethical non-monogamy/an open relationship isn’t what you want, don’t let anyone make you feel like there’s something wrong with you. If that’s what your spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend believes they need to evolve, grow, feel empowered, etc., perhaps it’s time for them to evolve themselves right out of the relationship.