#Narcissists, #borderlines, #histrionics and other #toxicpeople flare up (like a bad case of hemorrhoids) more than their usual #drama and #fucknuttery during #Christmas, #Hanukkah, other holidays and special events. If your #FamilyOfOrigin has more than one #Crazy from the #ClusterB variety pack, you've probably come to dread the holiday season.
In numerous articles and videos, I’ve discussed how to survive the holidays with a #NPD/ #BPD spouse or ex with whom you share children. But what if the Crazy is your mom, dad, sister, brother or grandparent, etc?
Are you EXPECTED to travel and pay homage to the Uber Golden Uterus Alles? Bend the knee to Narcaholic Dad? Soothe the savagely childish breast of your #BPD sister’s attention-seeking, holiday wrecking tantrums?
The key word is: EXPECTED. You’re an adult now. Have you ever considered that #NPD/BPD/ #HPD mom, dad, grandma, cousin, sister, brother, etc., can expect in one hand, #AdultTantrum in the other and see which one fills up first? ; )
Why do you visit? Why do you go? #fear, #obligation, #guilt (#FOG)? Financial dependence? #ApprovalSeeking in vain? #PeoplePleasing? In other words, what do YOU get out of it by visiting vs. not visiting?
Are your reasons healthy? Or do they perpetuate your #woundedchild #codependency? If no matter what you do is good enough, why not do what’s good for you and ignore the tantrums, caterwauling, #blame, guilt and #shame tactics instead?
Also, if #NORAD can track Santa, why can't they develop a #FlyingMonkey tracker? Just a suggestion, NORAD.