These are set and enforced by the moderators.
Don't be evil
Shitposting is evil
Nazism is also evil
And *phobia is evil too
Any kind of adult content that includes underage persons is not allowed
Keep local timeline safe for work
Be careful with people that don't understand jokes, they can be offended
Try to keep civil discourse even if the other side is not. Some people don't really know when their behavior is toxic. That does not make them bad
Respect free speech, but do not abuse it
Keep public content in English, French, or Russian. Don't forget to set the correct one in the post's settings
Mention that you read the rules in the registration message. Otherwise, your account will not be approved
Remember, each ActivityPub instance has its own set of rules. Other servers have no obligation to follow our rule set, but you can always block accounts/servers on your side
You are 18 or older