anyone out there who can help me get this thing back together? It looks like the O ring side goes down, but I can't remember the orientation of the reeds/D ring. Air filter is to the left (output?) and feed tubing to tank is on the right, but . . . beyond that is beyond me
Give this a try. Around the 7:30 mark, he starts head disassembly. HTH
@MKSinSA I just saw this! Fortunately it was the valve cover gaskets and the piston ring. And this was exactly what I needed, thank you! I'm saving this for future reference too, just in case!
More people might be able to help if you gave the make, model, year, etc. rather than "this thing".
This may possibly be somewhat useful:
@Havenite thanks, that would have been very useful, indeed! I wish I'd seen it earlier! but I finally got it. I posted all the make and model information earlier when I was first troubleshooting.
It took some time to find, order, and receive the parts, but they finally came and it finally all came together.
It climbed to ~135 before auto shutoff. I manually turned it off about an hour ago and the pressure's held steady.