If you re-enter the #dating pool before you've dealt with the issues that attract #narcissist, #borderline, #histrionic and other #toxic personality types to you and make them attractive to you, you'll likely end up like the man in the image.
JAWS 2, JAWS 3-D and JAWS: The Revenge.
For those of you who haven't see any of the Jaws sequels, each successive one sucked worse than the previous one. I mean really, REALLY bad.
Crazy 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 + isn't going to be any better. It'll be worse in terms of time, money and emotional damage incurred.
It's never going to be entirely safe to go back into the water. Going back out there without healing and the ability to have discernment and make better choices is like chumming the water.